Saturday, February 23, 2008

hey class, eugene has messaged and we really have to get the money for jts and return it. we're still short of alot of money.
total bill is 466. 11 of us went that day and each paid $14.50 alr. Thats still $306.50 left. We're trying to get the seniors to pay $5 each but thats not confirmed yet. Assuming we do get that sum we're still left with an estimated sum of $206.50. ( panic panic!!! ) I was thinking the remaining amount we divide by 08s53 peeps who were here since first intake and are here for second intake. (unless we can find a way to get from those who are in other jcs too)means 17 of us. and each of us hv to pay arnd $12.15.

If your have other suggestions do share them! Hopefully hopefully hopefully we can use a better solution. For now,please bring $12.15 on monday ya? thanks!


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